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Event Manager Professional - Windows automation made easy.
Automate everything... and do it easily with Event Manager Pro!

Launch Scheduled launch any app, any time

Time Scheduled uploads and downloads

Backup Run automatic, scheduled backups

File functions Copy, rename and delete files

Redundant timer Timer re-run of missed events

Notification Emailed event notifications

Date exclusion Per event date exclusions

Event Manager Professional was designed to quickly handle almost any common automation task or sequence of tasks under Windows 2000 Professional/Server, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or Vista. Not only can Event Manager Professional launch any program and shut it down on schedule, but it also allows scheduling based on 'file change' or 'Window' notifications and even includes full featured automatic backup, upload and download and file (copy/delete) functions built right in.

Event Manager Professional can automatically perform scheduled local or network backups, copy, move or purge files, upload and download files on servers and a large number of other functions to allow an unattended system to do exactly what you want it to, when you want it to.
Customer quote:
"EMP kicks major butt. I have it set up to backup my email messages, address book, My Documents, Quicken files, Bookmarks and Icons every night around 3am. It also backs up my web server logs from another computer, renames them with the backup date in the filename automatically and empties the logs. All my important stuff backed up automatically while I sleep ... it even sends me an email to look at when I get up in the morn, to let me know how it went. This program seriously rocks."
- Stephen in California